Peg in Italy

This is an account of a family adventure that began on or about January 21, 2006 when we all sat at Whistler's nursing our beers, lamenting the state of our finances and deciding to throw caution to the wind, let a seed develop and bloom!

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Location: UnderDogWoman sings in my church choir, NJ

I live a rather quiet, unassuming life - in fact, it can be downright normal at times. I check the obituaries everyday. I can do some pretty amazing things but it all comes down to this: I'm the one cleaning the bathrooms on the weekend!


October 5, 2006 It’s all over

Sue, Jerry, Mark and Vicki made it home safely last night. It’s all over now except a little twinge from one of the blisters on my right foot. The left foot escaped unscathed. But the right foot, with it’s missing toenail and subsequent BandAid®, suffered repeated rubbing from miles of walking. Jerry even operated one night, pouring alcohol on his Swiss Army Knife and cutting through a blister to relieve the pressure.

People ask me what was the best part of the trip. Well, the sightseeing was neat, and the scenery, itself, was awesome. But truly, the best moments were the ones observing people and falling in love all over again with the Italians and their lust for life, their passion and their wine!

If I ever have the opportunity, I would love to go back for a longer time – a month, a season, a year. Well, one can dream, no?


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